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Camping on Your Trampoline Sleepover?

Camping on Your Trampoline Sleepover?

May 30th 2017

Camping on Your Trampoline Sleepover?

Why "campolines" are the next big thing for summer sleepovers

Why "campolines" are the next big thing for summer sleepovers

With summer almost here, your kids are probably thinking about all the fun things they want to do over the next couple of months. And while trips to the zoo or days at the beach may be talked about, almost certainly the subject of slumber parties and sleepovers will come up.

By now you may be used to these festivities in which sleeping bags are strewn across a bedroom or the living room, but this summer you may want to think about doing something a little different. Instead of the usual, why not create a unique camping experience for all the kiddies? And even better, you can set up your very own campoline.

What the heck is a campoline?

A campoline is simply a camping tent put up on your  trampoline. Bet you didn’t even know you could do this, did you? Well, you can! A campoline offers several benefits over a regular tent, such as:

Less contact with Mother Nature

You could argue that the whole point of sleeping outside is to experience nature, but that may not be everyone’s cup of tea. One of the biggest benefits of a trampoline tent is that it is not directly on the ground. For partygoers who aren’t terribly excited about getting up close and personal with bugs or other ground-dwelling creatures, they won’t have to worry as they will be up a few feet high.

A safer space

While your backyard probably is not a dangerous place, a tent on its own can be a little scary, especially for younger kids. But when it’s sitting on a trampoline and surrounded by a safety net, this will allow everyone to feel more secure and have a much more enjoyable time.

Fun and lodging, all in one

Perhaps the best part of a campoline is that there is no need to go anywhere to have fun. Before the tent is set up, everyone can jump as much as they’d like. When the kids are tired or it starts getting dark, the tent can then be put up easily. And when morning comes, it can quickly be taken down for more jumping.

Campolines are starting to become very popular, but before everyone on your block has one, you can make your home unique and your kids heroes by ordering yours from JumpSport. We have two different models, the  Outback and the BigTop, both of which are big and roomy. And to make summer even more fun for your kids, we also have combo packs that include a tent and basketball hoop!