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Small Backyard? You Can Still Make It a Fun Place to Play

Small Backyard? You Can Still Make It a Fun Place to Play

Nov 23rd 2017

Small Backyard? You Can Still Make It a Fun Place to Play

Small yard? Big fun.

When it comes to backyards, bigger doesn’t have to mean better! A small lawn does not have to be a yawn. You can make a small backyard a great place to relax, play, and get a good workout while having a great time.

Just for fun

  • Set up a stage. With a clothesline and clip curtain rings or clothespins, and some old curtains, sheets, tablecloths or other fabric, you can make theater curtains without having to sew a thing. Thread the rings onto the line, tie the line on both ends so the curtain is at the right height and secure. Great for theater productions or a private little hideaway.
  • Make a chalkboard that ends boredom. Purchase a large, thin piece of wood, coat with chalkboard paint, hang at kid height against a wall or fence with picture hanging hardware, and you have a giant outdoor funboard.
  • Have big fun with huge bubbles. Put lots of bubble solution in a small plastic pool, and use a hula-hoop as the wand.
  • Plant a garden. Use a small patch of land and plant flowers, herbs, or vegetables.
  • Get wet. Make water balloons by slowly filling balloons with water, tying them with a string, and then toss them at each until the balloon explodes. Hang balloons from a tree and turn it into a piñata, or make a water wall by attaching bottles or containers to a fence or a big board, and creating a circuit for the water to follow.
  • Make music. Using a large piece of plywood or a wooden pallet or existing fencing, you can make a music wall. Add spoons, xylophone keys, wind chimes, pails, a washboard, pot tops – you name it – and attach them to the wall.

Combine fun with fitness

If you want to combine fun and fitness, consider getting a play set, and if there isn’t enough room, a tree swing. But the ultimate in fun and fitness that’s able to fit in a small backyard? A  trampoline. JumpSport’s variety of 10’ trampolines, including the AlleyOOP and Elite models, will fit in most backyards, and they include enclosures to keep your kids safe. Kids can get a healthy cardio workout as they make up their own bounce games, or play with cool accessories like a basketball set, giant fun balls, hoppy balls, or bounce boards. So if you’re looking for backyard fun your kids (and quite possibly, you) will never outgrow, jump to it!